Jan 22, 2021
Mark Hosler is a founding member of the audio-visual collage group Negativland. Their newest album is called The World Will Decide.
Mixing original materials and original music with things taken from mass culture and the world around them, Negativland creates surreal rearrangements that say and suggest things that the pieces never originally intended. In doing this kind of cultural archaeology and "culture jamming" (a term they coined way back in 1984), Negativland have been sued twice for copyright infringement.
After being sued, by the band U2, Negativland became more publicly involved in advocating significant reforms of copyright laws. Mark even found himself in Washington DC on Capitol Hill as a citizen lobbyist for copyright and art issues. All of their art and media interventions have intended to pose both serious and silly questions about the nature of sound, media, control, ownership, propaganda, power, and perception in the United States of America.