Nov 26, 2021
In every generation, there are those who resist the sweeping tide
of proscription and conformity. For New York based artist Gio Black
Peter, such a reaction comes naturally. Through his work, he is
able to break through the hardening shell of uniformity and tap
into something more honest.
At its core, Gio’s art is...
Nov 19, 2021
Artist, musician, record label founder and owner of Minneapolis' Grumpy's Bar, started Amphetamine Reptile Records (AmRep), in the early 1980s. Amrep originally run out of a hand grenade crate kept under Tom's Marine Corps bunk, was conceived as a way for Tom to release records by his band Halo Of Flies. The label...
Nov 12, 2021
We want to thank our fans for reaching out and pointing out that the stream for the latest episode featuring the great Admiral Grey was not working. The issue should be fixed. Please try listening again. If you are still having problems, please let us...
Nov 12, 2021
Admiral Grey is known as the virtuosic frontwoman for Cellular Chaos ,and as a veteran underground NY multidisciplinary artist and performer in both the experimental music (Glass Lamborghini, Drayton Sawyer Gang) and theater scenes (Sister Sylvester, The Nerve Tank, The Drunkard's Wife). She has composed music,...
Nov 5, 2021
Welsh poet and playwright Patrick Jones is one of Wales most prominent literary voices. In addition to his writing, Patrick has done so many other things. In 1993 he founded the Blackwood Young Writers Group. He taught adult literacy, worked as a hospice aide and was employed at a factory in Chicago, where he did not...